
General / 28 October 2019

Hey All!

Completely new to this blogging thing but giving it a go ;)

I have been experimenting a bit lately with 3D printing ever since I have the gorgeous Ender printer at home.
Started with printing a bobcat skull to have something small and easy to start my journey into the world of printing, so far I absolutely love it!

At first, there was a lot to figure out; how the printer was leveled best, what settings to use or how to clean the building platform so the next print would stick to it just as as the first one did. Slowly getting a grasp of it now and decided to step things up and get one of my older sculpts print-ready. This way I would understand  what needs to be done in order to prepare a sculpt for printing, keep printing time and filament use down while keeping the quality up. The end result is a 15cm high bust after roughly 24hours of printing. Figured out the printer is capable is printing a far bigger overhang than I first thought.

Afterwards I did my first cleanup up pass; sanded down some parts, cut away small inaccuracies from the print and ended with giving it a first coating using a nice mid grey spray-can. Could definitely use some more love, might turn my eye on it again.

Thanks for reading & talk to you soon,